Monday, November 7, 2016

The Fey Creatures of Comalan

Creatures with supernatural abilities or biology are referred to as the Fey. They differ from normal animals in that they are formed of magical energy in some way or another. The following is a partial list of Comalan's Fey creatures.


A giant humanoid creature that is created by Maula, the Goddess of Death. Maulans are sentient, but typically less intelligent than humanoids. They have slate grey skin and three horns, one protruding from their chin and two from their forehead. The most dangerous feature of the maulan is its lightning quick tail, which is tipped with a stinger that is used to inject an unforgiving corrosive poison into its victims. With a sole physical vulnerability in their necks, they are considered to be the strongest sentient species in the world, but they have a little-known weakness to exposure to a kerunite eye. In addition, their skin when properly petrified, is used for several purposes. These include the manufacture of explosives and the forging of magical weapons when used in place of coal.


Kerunites appear at first glance to be dolls with large jeweled eyes. These tiny creatures are frail, but have an affinity for magic, with which they can defend themselves. They are created from kerunite eye stones, so named for the fact that the stones become the eyes of a kerunite. 


Nymphs, in Heronite lore, refer to magical creatures that dwell in Heron’s natural environments. They can live in some of the region’s harshest areas, as well as its most temperate. They are strongly tied to their respective habitats and are often thought of as nature’s guardians. There is still debate as to whether they are real or mythological, though there are those who claim that they have had a real life encounter with a nymph. There are several different kinds of nymphs. For example, there are mountain nymphs, which can dwell on the harsh crags and peaks of Heron’s tallest mountains, tundra nymphs, which dwell on Heron’s flat plains, and sea nymphs, which dwell in the icy ocean that borders the north of the region.


Fire elementals formed from the stone inside volcanic caverns. They appear in the form of stone-scaled lizards, ranging from six inches to four feet long. They are very territorial and will spew magma at anyone they see as a threat.


Maulans who have been exposed to a geosian quartz. This causes a transformation that lightens the color of their skin to a silvery-white. In addition, their horns shrink, their ears grow into a lupine shape, white fur grows on their arms, legs, and backs, and their stingers shrivel away. They can no longer poison their foes, but retain their strength and gain a geoli’s speed.

Floral sprites

Fey creatures who appear as various flowers in their natural form. In addition, they have the ability to take a humanoid form at will. Like a flower, every floral sprite is a hermaphrodite. They have short lifespans, but produce seeds that will spawn exact copies of themselves. In their humanoid forms, they can adopt either sex and breed with true humanoids. The spawn of such a union will always produce a floral sprite, regardless of who carries the child. If the sprite is the father, the child will be born in the form of the humanoid species of its mother. If the sprite is the mother, the child will be born as a seed which must then be planted in the ground.

Skyres Dragon

The mythical Res brood are a clan of dragons said to have lived in a sky city. Their home was believed to be a repository for all of Crane’s knowledge, but unfortunately no explorer has ever been able to find this city since the Windlords were cursed for trespassing there. As such, the Res were believed to be purely mythical in the modern era until the resurgence of Selon, it’s last living member. He has a long, serpent-like body plated with gray scales. His bearded face is parted by a long snout with dagger-like fangs.


The phoenix is a mystical bird worshipped by followers of Chaos, owing to his taming of their last king, Gyandala. Their gold and red feathers are tipped with flames and they can range in sizes as small as a teacup at birth to the size of a small house in adulthood. Their most distinctive feature are their long plumed crest and tail feathers, which are often used in Chaotic rituals of strength. Even after falling from their owner, each phoenix feather burns to the touch. Finally, when a phoenix dies, its body burns to ash, from which a new phoenix is born. In rare instances, a second phoenix will emerge. The phoenix are believed to live in secret in many places, including Gladiator’s Peak and Hem Academy.


A nauveil is a formless creature that makes its home in the coldest regions of civilization. While they are seen irregularly in the northern reaches of Tanis and Resta, their appearances in Heron could almost be considered common. Not much is known about their origins--a secret which even eludes the most diligent of theological scholars--or even if they reproduce. What is known is that they subsist on the vital energy of mortals and how they go about obtaining it. They loiter on the outskirts of civilization in the disguise of a local and seemingly intelligent animal, luring people from their homes to the nauveil's nest. As long as they remain there, their energy is constantly drained by an almost unnoticeable degree. They keep their prey trapped there indefinitely by using their magic to grant anything the mortal desires. This trade can be considered a godsend for poor families, who relish the opportunity to send one of their own toward a lifetime of endless bliss in exchange for one less mouth to feed.

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