Monday, November 14, 2016

The Story of Sura

A Heronite embroiderer's artistic rendering of the constellation Sura, similar to the interpretation used in the Karn Family Sigil.

The legend of Sura is one that is well known across all of Heron. It tells the story of a beautiful mountain nymph named Sura who fell in love with a human man, despite the disapproval of such a relationship by other magical creatures and her betrothal to an immortal sorcerer who lived in the stars. She was able to live with her human lover for many years while arousing little suspicion from her magical brethren, for even several human years would feel like little more than a blink of an eye to a magical creature blessed with immortality.

Unfortunately for the pair, the sorcerer, Runa, decided it was time for Sura to join him in the sky and become his wife. He stole her away to the stars above where she took her place beside him. However, when he discovered that she had loved a human man, and had even borne him a child, Runa killed her for committing such a taboo. It is said that wherever her blood fell upon the earth, a purple dianthus plant grew. Forever after, Runa was known as Runa the Wicked, and the flower was known as Sura’s dianthus. The two can still be observed in the sky, as the constellations Runa the Wicked and Sura, the latter being displayed on the Karn family crest.

It has been said that the child of Sura and her human lover was the first Karn, and that all the Karns after that were descended from that union. However, very few still believe that part of the legend.

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