Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Continental Map of Comalan

A Restan Cartographer's Conception of Mortanis

Map of Mortanis

The geography of Comalan consists of an innumerable assortment of islands, some inhabited, and a single continent which takes up the northern part of the Western hemisphere. Since the waters around Comalan are difficult to sail, most of the islands remain uncharted and standard maps only depict this single continent. The above example would be of Restan print, and is drawn as always, by the talented Volt. We've decided to make this map the background of the site, but here is the map in its unobstructed glory.

What's Here?

This map depicts the general landscape of four of the world's five great nations.

Heron - To the north, Heronite lands sit at the highest elevation and has the coldest temperatures. Mountain passes frequently are generally covered in snow in the cold seasons, making travel through the region difficult.

Tanis - To the west, the woodlands of Tanis are covered in overgrown trees which make the full scope of land between its borders difficult to chart. This makes roads and beacons necessary to navigate between cities.

Resta - To the west, the kingdom of Resta consists of rolling prairies pocketed between hilly regions bordering the northern and southern tips of the country.

Galeon - To the south, Galeon enjoys a diverse climate with a lot of arable land and a long coastline that stretches along the entire southern shore. The land gets drier the further west you go

Not Pictured

Midania - Midania's incorporated islands are scattered through the world's entire northern hemisphere save those within 100 miles of the continent with the capitol appearing close to the equator in the east.

Hydrospace - The stormstruck southern half of the western hemisphere. The harsh weather makes it impossible for most sailors to navigate the region, though occasional immigrants from the area confirm that there is land there that can sustain mortal life.

The Sunken Lands - Located in the planet's southeast quadrant, the Sunken Lands are two ancient landmasses that disappeared from the face of the planet at a point before recorded history in Mortanis. Its lost cities can still be found on the ocean floor offering countless mysteries about the lands' mysterious past.

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