
Comalan, as a world, is home to a wealth of diverse nations and cultures. Some of these are well known and central to many of the stories that we tell here at World of Comalan, while others are shrouded in mystery. 


A Restan Cartographer's Conception of Mortanis

The geography of Comalan consists of an innumerable assortment of islands, some inhabited, and a single continent which takes up the northern part of the Western hemisphere, called Mortanis. Since the waters around Comalan are difficult to sail, most of the islands remain uncharted and standard maps only depict this single continent. The above example would be of Restan print, and is drawn as always, by the talented Volt. We've decided to make this map the background of the site, but here is the map in its unobstructed glory.

To the east, the kingdom of Resta consists of rolling prairies pocketed between hilly regions bordering the northern and southern tips of the country.

  • Iris Isle - A small island located close to Galean waters but which is legally part of Resta. Iris Isle is significant to the pilgrims of Resta because it contains a holy place known as the Bishop's Pinnacle.
  • Shaville - A once-idyllic village that has fallen into oblivion thanks to the wide influence of demonic corruption. 
  •  Greyview Cemetary -  A massive graveyard built on the ruins of a village destroyed in a war between ancient Coronos and Pyris. The graves are filled with the remains of the casualties and their spirits cling to the place to reenact their conflict.
  •  Lightning Ridge - A jagged valley situated between the mountains of southwest Resta. It is known as a place of training for spellwarriors due to its vicious beasts and magical landmarks.

To the south, Galeon enjoys a diverse climate with a lot of arable land and a long coastline that stretches along the entire southern shore. The land gets drier the further west you go.

  • Fides - Galeon's capital city and center of diplomacy. 
  • Rashara - A major city on Galeon's southern coast, a center of the arts and a sort of haven for outcasts. 
    • The Rashara Operahouse -  A stunning landmark in the coastal city of Rashara, popular for its year-round performances, grand architecture, and curious history.
  • Isle of Qwara - About the mysterious island off the southern coast. Nobody ever goes there. 
  •  Zoo of Bion - A dangerous stretch of desert near the midpoint between Abuk and Gienah. 
  •  Skye Lake - A dry basin in the desert outside Gienah that has captivated the minds of scientists and researchers for decades.
  •  Spiral Island - An ancient Akisian island turned love-themed resort.
  •  The Dragon Pillar - A large, artificial construct in the south seas that contains secrets related to a mythical city in the sky.

To the north, Heronite lands sit at the highest elevation and has the coldest temperatures. Mountain passes frequently are generally covered in snow in the cold seasons, making travel through the region difficult.

  • Dalaska - Heron's national capital and center of diplomacy. 
  • Valanholm - The former stronghold of the Lowland Piers family, an island off the northern coast that mysteriously crumbled and sunk into the ocean in the middle of the night.
  • Lapis Lake - The lake between Crystal Hall and Eydisthorpe, considered sacred by the Piers family.

To the west, the woodlands of Tanis are covered in overgrown trees which make the full scope of land between its borders difficult to chart. This makes roads and beacons necessary to navigate between cities.

  • Muldwarof Temple An ancient temple that stands as a reminder of the violence against dwarves that marks a turning point in elven history.
  • Victory Trail - A hidden tunnel connecting Tanis and Heron that warriors from both nations are known to brave in the hopes of gaining an advantage over the other in their endless conflict.


Midania's incorporated islands are scattered through the world's entire northern hemisphere save those within 100 miles of the continent with the capitol appearing close to the equator in the east.

Mainland Midania

The capitol of the republic and former capitol of the Sea Empire. It was once a barren, lifeless land occupied only by sai'mul. Since the formation of the country, sai'mul have welcomed living travelers from other islands to bring life back to this place. Sages of Eagle Island and shaman from Katrine have collaborated to restore the earth, allowing the mainland to flourish as a vibrant hub for all Midanians. While sai'mul comprise the majority population of the island, many living Midanians now call it home too, as of the Third Age. This is said to be aided by the blessing of Salica, who can ease the worries of sai'mul in no other way than to guarantee this island pleasant weather at all times.


The forest island of Midania has a shamanic culture dedicated to moral balance and truth. They once followed a Moon Goddess named Katrine until it was revealed that she was a character created by Salica herself. Salican priests who have studied the matter can only conclude that she projects a more mature image of herself to Katrine.


The jungle island has a druidic culture that is dedicated to the absolute preservation of their natural environment. Many of the fauna that share this island with the locals are unique to this place, which makes them suspicious of potential poachers. Like the people of Katrine, they once worshiped a goddess who shared the name of the isle. While Sister has proven to be yet another alter ego of Salica, Serene priests can easily see the inspiration in their ways. Some people see this name as a point of mockery given that Serenity is literally Salica's sister.

Ravager Isle

This rugged, chaparral land is home to some of the world's most dangerous animals both large and small, which has produced a hardened culture who forsakes comfort for the perceived glory of fighting the land itself. They are tempered in the ways of the holy Ravager, a violent deity that Chaotics now realize in retrospect is Salica's attempt at parodying their god.

Eagle Island

This region consists of two large rocky plateaus jutting side by side out of the water, forming a mile-wide channel between them. Residents of this land are few and there is little to keep them there. Their culture is a philosophical one which emphasizes deep contemplation in all followers of their local deity, the Grey Eagle. The Eagle is said to represent Crane, but Intalan scholars will question the meaning of Salica's interpretation of Crane for generations due to the lack of infrastructure that the locals willingly accept while lost in their aimless contemplation.

Turtle Island- An ancient, long deserted island on which water magic is said to originate.

Vortex Archipelago- A series of islands that are surrounded by dangerous sea beasts. It is home to Salica's familiar: Karashartal, the mother of krakens.



The stormstruck southern half of the western hemisphere. The harsh weather makes it impossible for most sailors to navigate the region, though occasional immigrants from the area confirm that there is land there that can sustain mortal life.

The Sunken Lands 

Located in the planet's southeast quadrant, the Sunken Lands are two ancient landmasses that disappeared from the face of the planet at a point before recorded history in Mortanis. Its lost cities can still be found on the ocean floor offering countless mysteries about the lands' mysterious past.

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