Monday, January 15, 2018


The Island Republic of Midania, or simply Midania, is a nation of various island states spread through the northwestern seas. They are the modern descendants of Akis, an empire which sought dominion over all of the seas. When this empire fell, the various islands which composed it fell into isolation which lasted for the entirety of the Second Age. When the Miracle of the Lost Creeds brought Mariknights back to the seas, however, the former empire's capitol of Midania reached out to the other islands of the lost empire. The result of their collaboration was the establishment of a unified republic with Midania as its new capitol. Since then, the islands have worked to unify disparate cultures under a new identity tied to the glory of Akis, but which improves on the mistakes which led to its fall.

The Republic gives equal representation to each of the islands under its banners, so the direction of Midania is driven by many different cultures. They are led by two central powers that are idealized as completely equal: a Chief Council consisting of three representatives from each island who determine national policy, and a president who is elected by popular will of all citizens to carry out the Council's will and mediate the Council. While five islands comprise the republic now, its leaders resolve to find and annex all of the islands which were once part of Akis into a new, diverse society. Their government finds inspiration to do so in the many different ways Salica interacts with the various islands.

Mainland Midania- The capitol of the republic and former capitol of the Sea Empire. It was once a barren, lifeless land occupied only by sai'mul. Since the formation of the country, sai'mul have welcomed living travelers from other islands to bring life back to this place. Sages of Eagle Island and shaman from Katrine have collaborated to restore the earth, allowing the mainland to flourish as a vibrant hub for all Midanians. While sai'mul comprise the majority population of the island, many living Midanians now call it home too, as of the Third Age. This is said to be aided by the blessing of Salica, who can ease the worries of sai'mul in no other way than to guarantee this island pleasant weather at all times.

Katrine- The forest island of Midania has a shamanic culture dedicated to moral balance and truth. They once followed a Moon Goddess named Katrine until it was revealed that she was a character created by Salica herself. Salican priests who have studied the matter can only conclude that she projects a more mature image of herself to Katrine.

Sister- The jungle island has a druidic culture that is dedicated to the absolute preservation of their natural environment. Many of the fauna that share this island with the locals are unique to this place, which makes them suspicious of potential poachers. Like the people of Katrine, they once worshiped a goddess who shared the name of the isle. While Sister has proven to be yet another alter ego of Salica, Serene priests can easily see the inspiration in their ways. Some people see this name as a point of mockery given that Serenity is literally Salica's sister.

Ravager Isle- This rugged, chaparral land is home to some of the world's most dangerous animals both large and small, which has produced a hardened culture who forsakes comfort for the perceived glory of fighting the land itself. They are tempered in the ways of the holy Ravager, a violent deity that Chaotics now realize in retrospect is Salica's attempt at parodying their god.

Eagle Island-This region consists of two large rocky plateaus jutting side by side out of the water, forming a mile-wide channel between them. Residents of this land are few and there is little to keep them there. Their culture is a philosophical one which emphasizes deep contemplation in all followers of their local deity, the Grey Eagle. The Eagle is said to represent Crane, but Intalan scholars will question the meaning of Salica's interpretation of Crane for generations due to the lack of infrastructure that the locals willingly accept while lost in their aimless contemplation. 


Ekera of Sister, The Avatar of Serenity- A former protector of Sister who now serves Serenity as her Avatar.

The Mariknights- A fleet of magical corsairs who protect Midania's sovereign waters with deadly swordsmanship and their mastery over water itself.

Other Locations

Vortex Archipelago- A set of islands which surround a huge maelstrom and are battered by storms. The dangers of this place are obvious, but the potential rewards are a beacon for adventurers.

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