Saturday, May 19, 2018

Adventures in Comalan: The Bog of Anguish

Deep in the Tanisian wilderness lies a decrepit region where the trees are hollow and the ground reeks with the stench of decay. This bog encompasses a large swath of the country's northern lands. Surrounded by lands of dense, unpopulated forest and an unforgiving ocean, it is said that there is nothing to be found in this region but misfortune, which have led many to accept the "Bog of Anguish" as its moniker. For some reason, this harsh land seems to exist as a refutation of everything the elves of Tanis hold sacred. This is not an area that supports much of the life that Tanisians revere, apart from the tanistriders who feed on the decayed plant matter on the ground.

Discovering what causes this land to reject most life has been the subject of Tanis' longest-running scientific endeavor. Researchers stationed in the area reside in Boggarde, one of Tanis' few above-ground cities. The population of this city has eschewed the traditional caste system in favor of an open democracy because the dangers of the Bog of Anguish far outweigh the priorities that justify the existence of the castes. Everyone in Boggarde wants competent leadership that doesn't exclude any good ideas based on their source. Apart from organizing the study of the local region, Boggarde also exists as a sanctuary for travelers who get lost in the bog, where people may be guided back to the rest of civilization.

While many people have fallen victim to the bog's thick, perpetual fog and random sinkholes, the greatest danger lies in the warlocks who call the place home. Here, dark magic is practiced with impunity because few dare to wander this land to bring them to justice. For as long as the Bog of Anguish has been charted, stories have reached the rest of the Tanisian cities of travelers who get lost, only to return as an image of their worst fears. These fever morphs roam the bog in search of mortals to share in their unending terror. They, and the dark mages who created them, stand as a rare exception to Tanis' legal condemnation of fatal action. Among everything that threatens a Tanisian, they alone are to be killed on sight.

Even in an adventure guide such as this one, it cannot be stressed enough that the Bog of Anguish is to be avoided unless you have business in Boggarde. But even if you don't, this place is the ideal destination for those seeking to learn more about dark magic-- or punish those who dare to use it.

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