Saturday, July 21, 2018

Spiral Island Swindle, Part 1

Here's another short story about Zara and Volt's past. As indicated in the title, this one takes place on the lovely Spiral Island. Enjoy!


The gentle sound of a string quartet filled the air as the seabreeze caused Volt's azure gown to billow artfully behind her. She giggled coyly and fumbled with her pearl pendant, the large diamond ring on her finger glittering in the setting sun as she leaned into Zara, prompting him to snake his arm around her shoulder.  

"Oh stop," she whined, gently swatting Zara's chest with the back of her hand. "Honey, you're embarrassing me!" The woman spoke in a perfect aristocratic Restan accent.

Zara laughed and replied, "You know you like it, dear," only a hint of his usually-heavy Ravager dialect evident in his speech. He straightened his silk cravat before turning Volt's chin towards his own and giving her a chaste kiss. 

The couple opposite them smiled and exchanged looks before turning back towards Volt and Zara. The woman wore a fine calf length dress of light peach and a fine gold chain with a diamond pendant. Her golden hair was piled atop her head elegantly and accented with a comb covered in tiny jeweled flowers. Her husband was a handsome, dark haired man in an aubergine brocade vest. "How would you two like to join us for dinner? We have reservations for six, if you're available," the woman replied, tilting her head and smiling politely. 

Volt and Zara looked at one another before smiling. "That would be lovely, Patricia. Thank you so much!" Volt replied enthusiastically. "Shall we meet you at the restaurant in an hour, then?"

"Absolutely! I could use some time to freshen up and get out of this old drab thing," Patricia replied, motioning distastefully to her expensive looking outfit. She looked at her husband and frowned. "I'll have to buy something else while we're here!"

Volt waved dismissively and shook her head. "Oh, hush! You look absolutely stunning!" A small smirk curled her lips.


Zara snickered as he helped untie Volt's halter. "I was gonna ask how you found them so quickly, but I don't think I've ever seen such an easy mark. I almost feel bad for those poor, silly sods."

Volt chuckled and stepped out of her dress, letting it pool on the ground around her before walking over to the wardrobe. "You really shouldn't. I was talking to Patty and apparently they have two vacation homes! One in Heron and one on Lake Whitetree. They're completely loaded, Zara. Apparently her man is the son of this really wealthy Maloran and a Crowmont daughter." She began shuffling through the collection of outfits she had amassed for just this purpose.

Zara's eyebrows perked in surprise as he considered their find, leaning back against the four-poster and folding his arms across his chest. "Wow." He cocked his head. "In that case, it's true what they say about Crowmonts. He's quite the looker."

"Ain't he, though?" she replied with a smile as she pulled out a violet gown with a jeweled neckline and stepped into it, pulling it on and buttoning it up the side. 

The man whistled. "Speaking of lookers."

Volt giggled and grinned at Zara over her shoulder. She tapped her chin before turning back to her wardrobe and pulling out a teal scarf. "This'll look nice with your vest. You should wear it tonight!" She tossed it over to him. "Then, we can go work some magic. It's almost six."

Zara smoothed out his vest and tied the scarf around his collar before tucking it in and pulling on his fine jacket. He sighed uncomfortably. "You know, the only downside to jobs like this is having to wear all these clothes. Don't Restan men ever get hot?"

Volt turned and smirked pointedly at Zara, prompting a chuckle from him as if the implied joke didn't even need to be said to be shared. The pair then stepped into the ornate hall outside their room and gave each other a once over and a smile before they started towards the grand staircase, arm in arm. 

As they appeared at the top of it, the foyer that led to the restaurant came into view. Spiral Island truly was a beautiful place, even if some found the decor rather ostentatious. Zara led Volt down the white marble staircase, which was accented with an ornate railing carved with an intricate spiral pattern, similar to that found in much of the Resort's architecture. The mosaic on the floor of the foyer depicted a stylized scene of a pair of merfolk, positioned in a romantic embrace. Volt giggled when she saw it, but appreciated the whimsical kitsch of the place nonetheless. Zara said nothing, but seemed to find the romantic ambiance of the Resort far more affecting than his companion did. 

As the pair approched the maitre d' with a pair of winning smiles, they could see Patricia and her husband waving at them merrily from inside the restaurant, glittering with what seemed to be half the gold in Resta. 

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