Sunday, December 9, 2018

Blood Magic Codex

Hey guys! The new job has been kicking my head in this week so the weekend post this time is actually a re-post from our Patreon page! Subscribe now for more Comalan content and enjoy this glimpse into the abilities of a blood mage!

Notable Spells

Blood Blade- The caster focuses their blood into the shape of a blade that can cut through anything with ease. Additional blood added to the spell can increase the size and even number of blades, creating a sinister and powerful close range offense.

Blood Drain- A mid-range spell which allows the caster to drain any nearby blood. While it is possible to draw blood from any open wound, it is considered an ethical obligation to only draw blood that’s already on the ground. Blood taken from this spell is drawn into the caster’s body, increasing their vitality and providing additional resources for their more powerful spells.

Blood Scrying- Using someone else’s blood, a caster trained in Intalan magic can see into the past of the person who owned said blood. This spell is notably used to discover the circumstances which led to the blood being spilled.

Blood Shield- A significant amount of the caster’s blood is used to create a dense shield that rivals solid steel in its strength and is most effective as long as the caster doesn't move. Additional blood added to the spell can expand its radius, creating the perfect defense.

Circulatory Purification- This healing spell is capable of curing nearly any blood-borne illness. It is activated by making a small incision from which to draw blood, then stimulating the patient’s blood vessels to push out any toxins or harmful microbes. A tiny bit of the caster’s own blood is then used to speed up the healing of their incision.

Corrosion- The caster imbues some of their blood with a corroding power that can quickly dissolve armor and flesh more efficiently even than Maulan toxins. This power is speculated to be a threat even to the gods since the Fourth Archknight used it to defeat the Second Avatar of Chaos.

Phlebotomy Grenade- A unique spell developed by Gyanda Maloran in which an exploding lump of blood is lobbed at an enemy. The shrapnel resembles countless tiny blood blades, which embed themselves in anything nearby. If the shrapnel makes contact with someone else’s blood, a vacuous force drains the victim of all of their blood through their wounds. This spell is described as a combination of the blood drain and blood blade spells enhanced with Arcane magic.


Spellwarriors who are trained in blood magic can find their signature transformations altered by the foreign blood they imbibe with the blood drain spell.
  • Bloodfist Style- Silverfist transformations become incredibly deadly when imbued with blood magic as their fists take on the property of blood blades, allowing their punches to penetrate any defense.
  • Bloodhawk Style- Phoenix transformations combined with blood magic increase both their destructive and healing power. While phoenix wingbeats would usually drop motes of fire that burn their foes and heal their allies, the bloodhawk instead unleashes splashes of blood that apply Corrosion to enemies while accelerating the natural healing of their allies.
  • Bloodtusk Style- When a blood mage transforms into a pachyderm, their rough skin becomes reinforced with the power of a blood shield, making them nearly impervious to harm without sacrificing any mobility.

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