Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Atunis Astersong, the Avatar of Salica

Atunis in his Starlight Crusade uniform, in which he served as the Captain as the Karashartal.

Atunis Astersong, the Avatar of Salica and brother of the Adjutant of Crane, Eione Astersong, is widely considered one of the most personally approachable and sincere of the Avatars. He cares deeply about his charge and is a devout follower of the gods, leading him to consider his charge a heavy responsibility. As a result, he works hard to make sure he lives up to it - something reflected in public opinion of him. Also, somewhat unrelated to his performance as an Avatar, he is renowned for his beauty.


Atunis is very pious, being the child of two priests of Serenity. It is what they taught him in the Theia Seminary, the institution they ran and taught at on Iris Isle. He grew up in the church and was a quiet, well-behaved child, unlike his younger sister, Eione. He spent much of his time in his father's study, reading books about history and mythology. When he grew too old for schooling, he worked in the seminary, primarily as director of the choir. From early childhood, he struggled with bouts of anxiety and depression, but with the support of his parents and the clergy at Theia, he was able to live a fulfilling life in a very nurturing, uplifting environment. 

After the armies of Geos stormed the shores of Iris, he stayed with his parents to help protect the Island, the Seminary, and the Bishop’s Pinnacle. He was terrified at first, but the arrival of a righteous band of Templars to help defend the isle both comforted and inspired him. He became fast friends with one in particular - a Galean named Zaraan. He got his first taste of combat after enthusiastically joining the band in their training regimen and finding he had the makings of an adept swordsman.

After finishing his work on Iris, Atunis moved on to experience the adventure and prestige that came with being a full member of the Templar Order, inspired by the friends he made in the Order on Iris. He did not get far past training, finding that he did not have the temperament for the organization. That, and an upsetting personal clash with one of his commanders made it nearly unbearable for him to stay. After he left the Order, disillusioned, his despair pushed him into a hasty decision to enlist with a clerical expedition to the Vortex Archipelago. He was determined to reaffirm his self worth by volunteering for a dangerous mission in service of the gods. 

This rash choice turned out to be a blessing in disguise. The friends he made while protecting the clergy helped him relearn how to trust others, as well as himself. He found a renewed sense of purpose. Upon his return to Resta, however, he found that his old demons began to haunt him once more.

Atunis credits Lady Salica with the chance meeting that introduced him to Kartal Marle - the templar who would eventually become Atunis' best friend. Kartal had just experienced a grave personal tragedy that he couldn't deal with alone, and Atunis desperately needed a friend and a purpose. It was this occurrence that would eventually lead to Atunis being named the Avatar of Salica, a position which he accepts with mixed emotions - pride and devotion, certainly, but also anxiety and self doubt. 

Atunis Astersong, the Avatar of Salica

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