Sunday, October 15, 2017

Demons of Comalan

Although most magic is carefully governed by the Gods, there are some types of magic that are perpetuated beyond their control. The most sinister of these disciplines is the use of dark magic. It can be used to corrupt the many creatures of Comalan, and especially people, in hideous ways. Here is a working list of the various demons that one might encounter in Comalan.

Fever Morph

Fever morphs are former mortals who have been radically transformed by a sorcerer. They do not have a standard appearance as their looks are determined by the caster who created them. What is known of them is that they conjured from images of horror and their aura can incite fear in even the bravest adversaries. Their bodies emit a distinctive dark-colored glow, which is the only way to identify one.


The Bladot were once peaceful bipedal creatures that inhabit the land between worlds who used their sharp teeth to chew on the tough wood that makes up their natural environment. Seeing their unnerving appearance, users of dark magic subjugated their species by enhancing their aggression and attaching blades to their arms. After centuries of control, their innocence has been completely bred out.


Succubi are former men and women whose lust is pushed beyond normal human reasoning. While wanton sexual desire is considered to be the first step toward becoming a succubus, it is well known that a true succubus can only be created due to prolonged exposure to dark magic. Warlocks tend to gravitate towards promiscuous people for this very reason and will use their magic to push them to think even more about sex. This is mostly for the purpose of creating compliant slaves, but a succubus who was practiced in magic as a mortal ends up developing unique powers suited to their new life.


Incubi are formed from succubi who have lived for an extended period of time without a master. Through living independently, they regain their ability to think for themselves. While a succubus with a natural propensity for submitting to a sexual partner will never change, more dominant succubi will transform yet again into this new form. Their bodies are more muscular than that of a succubus and the physical differences between males and females are more pronounced.


Imps are former Kerunites whose eyes have been taken by warlocks. Traces of magic remain to form new, darker eyes, and their hair falls out, to be replaced by unnerving horns. Curiously, when a succubus gets pregnant, her spawn will always take this form.

Blood Thrall

Blood thralls are former mortals whose blood has been completely drained by a Blood Mage. They live with a desperate desire for blood that can only be briefly satisfied by drinking the blood of others. While feral blood thralls are extremely dangerous, some remain subservient to their creator in exchange for tastes of their own blood.


These demonic warriors are former maulans whose physical features were optimized by dark magic. Their horns and bodily spikes are typically replaced with an extra layer of thick bone, which provides a natural armor that’s harder than steel These bones spiral across most of the creature’s skin, but completely encase its tail, head, and once-vulnerable neck. What makes them most terrifying is that, unlike a pure maulan, they can possess enough intelligence to control complex magics.


Like succubi and fever morphs, wrathar were once ordinary people who were corrupted by dark magic. But while succubi are formed of lust and fever morphs are formed from fear, the wrathar are bred in wrath, as their name implies. Their transformation begins with those who regularly spectate in bloodsports, forming a bloodlust that eventually grows into an unavoidable desire to participate. When someone under such a spell draws blood for the first time, their muscles began to grow beyond their mortal limit and they will lose all of their hair.. They will eventually lose any sense of pain or empathy before the final change occurs: once a wrathar commits to their new lifestyle of murder, its teeth sharpen into shark-like fangs.


True examples of direwolves are rare, as they result from the magical corruption of geoli, who are in themselves a rare sight. These canine demons stand at over eight feet tall, the largest of any wolf species. They appear to have eschewed the once-beautiful sheen of white fur and will often grow horns, depending on the extent of their corruption. Two of their front fangs grow into knife-like tusks, which they use to absorb the vital youth of their victims, even as they attempt to devour them. Thus, even if you survive a direwolf attack, you will find yourself aging rapidly. Teenage human victims of direwolf bites can die of old age in less than a month.


The word chimera refers to any creature that was created from two animals fused together through dark magic. The warlock who wishes to create a chimera will first sacrifice one animal and saturate its remains with dark magic before stitching it to the second animal. Then, over a period of time ranging from an hour to a week, the dead animal's biology will be slowly integrated into the host as it decomposes.


A goblin is a wretched creature that was once mortal before it was warped by its greed. In this transformed state, it is nearly blind and has stubby fingers that weaken its grip. With a natural inclination to pick up anything that brushes their fingers as grope around, they have been used by their warlock masters as suicide bombers. Those who find freedom wander the fringes of society, robbing travelers under threat of dismemberment between their razor-like teeth. This is a hardy race of demon which can be killed only through decapitation.

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