Friday, October 20, 2017

Eione Astersong, Adjutant of Crane

Eione Astersong, the Adjutant of Crane

Eione Astersong, current Adjutant of Crane and sister of Salica's avatar, Atunis Astersong, is one of the more controversial figures to be given the title. She has a checkered past and, in the eyes of many, has built herself a reputation for being untrustworthy and unpredictable. Nevertheless, the Avatar of Crane, Tir Apollo, decided to put her trust in the fallen priestess, perhaps believing her to be capable of redemption. Some say her curiosity and cryptic motives will lead to an inevitable betrayal, while some, including Tir Apollo herself, believe that focusing her intellect, drive, and insatiable curiosity towards a higher purpose has the potential to make her a vital asset to the Avatar's goals.


Eione was born on Iris in the seminary that was run by her and Atunis’ mother and father, two priests of Serenity. As a small child, she frequently misbehaved, teasing her brother, running off alone, and exploring in places that she should not. Living amongst disciplined, pious priests in training had an influence on her, and she soon learned how to act in a manner that pleased her family.

Though at a glance she seemed to be a pious priestess of Serenity, the temptation to explore and learn of things unbefitting a young girl in her position persisted within her. She remained in the seminary for many years before she seized the opportunity to escape the life that was so unfulfilling to her. A particular human mage, Yann, visited the isle in search of magical artifacts. Eione, already being a gifted potion maker, disguised herself as his apprentice and left the island with him, traveling all the way to his far away tower in the desert edge of Galeon. 

Of course, it was not long before her protective brother managed to track her down with the help of his friends. She refused to leave with them, however, and Atunis resignedly left her with the mage, where she continued to study her craft, soon outgrowing Yann’s teachings and leaving his tower to explore. In her travels, Eione met several members of and was recruited into the noted mercenary troop, the Phoenix Blade. Eione moved to the Phoenix Blade headquarters, developing close relationships with several of the members and proving herself an integral part of the team. She encountered her brother once more on a mission with the Phoenix Blade. As usual, he disapproved of her decision to participate in something so dangerous, but knew he could do little to change her. 

She also developed a more secretive relationship with a member of a dangerous cult, and began contemplating joining the group to gain knowledge of the arcane secrets of Comalan’s darker forms of magic. Soon, she began to juggle her two lives, managing to keep her affiliation with the cult secret until a Templar commander who was investigating the cult, Venaticus Desmond, realized she was helping the cult evade the authorities. After the Templar wound up dead, it was discovered that Eione had conspired in his murder.

At trial, Eione was granted mercy due to her close familial relationship with the Avatar of Salica, and was sentenced to live under the custody of the Avatar of Death, Aennin Moonstep, who she has reluctantly served ever since.

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