Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Death Touch Chapter 21


“So, Maya drops me, and suddenly I’m fucking surrounded by snakes! So I’m firing off spells left and right, but the only ones that seem to be working involve fire. Not so great in a forest, heh?”

On the day following their adventure in Lightning Ridge, the champions and their friends had returned to Palon. By dusk, they found themselves in the living room of the Midas home, where they had occasion to discuss their exploits once more. Alexis listened to her brother’s story with growing shock, but was positively enraptured. Seth seemed to revel in the tale, but he seemed to forget just how rarely he shared details of his exploits with anyone. Clint admired the recent change in his friend and enjoyed hearing the story for a second time. 

“You nearly burned me alive,” Sam grumbled. “Have you ever actually protected anyone with that monster magic?”

That complaint seemed to stop Seth in his tracks. “Well--”

“He had my back the last time we were up there together,” Clint offered.

“Yeah, there’s that!” Seth exclaimed. “Also, I protect people all the time! I didn’t necessarily know where you were, but you’re smart. I figured you’d be alright and, in case you didn’t notice, you are!”

“Well, I may have helped her a bit,” Maya pointed out.

“You see? That’s one of the important things about spellwarriors!” Seth insisted. “Some of us are supporters, some of us are there to put the hurt on stuff! I’m just one of the latter!”

“Maya’s not a spellwarrior at all!” Sam complained.

“Irrelevant!” Seth retorted. “I trusted her with your safety and it paid off!”

Maya smiled and shook her head. “I appreciate the trust, but there are moments when I thought you could have said something to us.”

Clint chuckled and resisted the urge to thump Seth on the back with his palm at the last possible moment. “You come through when it counts, mate, but you do have a habit of slipping into a monstrous state from time to time.”

Seth and his friends joined Clint in his laughter, leaving Alexis alone in her bewilderment. “This is funny to you all? Is this the kind of stuff you get into all the time, Seth?”

Seth shrugged and shook his head. “Not really. I mean, I’m still pretty much a rookie, so I haven’t seen everything a spellwarrior gets up to. But those maulans… they’re no joke.”

“Could have fooled me!” Alexis snapped.

“What do you want from me?” Seth retorted. “To admit that I’m in some dangerous shit? Fine, ever since I got cursed I’ve forgotten how to sleep right and when I do sleep, I always wake up in a cold sweat. But this crap isn’t over! How am I supposed to get through it without laughing stuff off!”

Alexis’ expression softened. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t imagine in my wildest dreams what you’re going through. I glad that you’re coping at least.”

Seth sighed and slouched into the sofa cushion on which he sat. Maya pulled his head to her shoulder and hugged him comfortingly. He looked up at her with a grin before replying, “Don’t worry about it. I’ve got enough to worry about without stupid stuff like this to piss me off.”

“You’ve got that right,” Sam said. “So, what do you guys plan to do next?”

Seth shrugged, leaving Clint to answer. “Well, we’ve got Nicholai’s treasure. That just leaves two more pieces. We don’t really have a clue where to find the other two yet, but I figure that while we wait for Sara, I’ll head to the library and see if I can track down any legends similar to the sword.”

Alexis scoffed. “Seriously? You hate going to the library!”

Clint nodded. “Of course, but I’m willing to bet championing the God of Knowledge comes with the responsibility of figuring stuff out.”

“Want me to come with?” Sam offered eagerly. “I love to read and I know my way around a library!”

“I don’t see why not. I can use the help,” Clint said. “Do you want to come to, Alexis?”

Alexis shook her head. “Dr. Clark is out of town and Richard is gone, so Jason and I have to pull double shifts to keep the infirmary running.”

Seth raised his eyebrows. “When did Dr. Clark leave?”

Almost simultaneously, Clint asked, “Who’s Jason?”

Ignoring Clint, Alexis looked reproachfully at Seth. “Do you ever read the news?”

“As a general rule, no,” Seth replied.

“Honestly! Dr. Clark is a member of the royal family. Someone’s been targeting them lately, so it makes sense that the queen would want him in the capitol.”

“Oh. I had no idea the doctor was a royal. That kind of makes me wonder what he’s doing way the hell out here.”

“He told me he never cared for life in the court,” Alexis said with a frown. “I think he preferred it here. Even with his older brother and sister dead, the guards practically had to drag him back to the capitol.”

“You have to respect a man who would stick to his lifestyle even when his life is endangered,” Maya said admiringly.

“Oh, if this stuff blows over, you should totally meet him! He’s a great man,” Alexis exclaimed. “He travels over fifty miles each week to treat people down in Solan because they don’t have any doctors. He’s an inspiration to medics everywhere.”

Clint never did like the way Alexis’ eyes gleamed when she talked about her mentor and so he was compelled to change the subject. “Well, I’m sure you guys will all feel his loss. Luckily he has the best nurse in the kingdom and… Jason to hold down the fort.”

Alexis’ eyes narrowed so subtly that Clint was sure he was the only one who noticed. “Yep, that reminds me! I should get going! Bye, everyone! Maya, Sam, it was nice to meet you two! Seth, you better stay safe out there!”

Clint noticed that she had omitted him from her goodbyes while the others returned them. So, when Alexis hurried out the door, Clint followed her outside. Away from Seth’s eyes at last, Clint pulled Alexis into an embrace that he couldn’t help but think was accepted reluctantly.

“You didn’t think I was going to let you go without saying goodbye to me, did you?”

Alexis smiled up at Clint’s face. “I’m glad you didn’t. I’ve missed you.”

Feeling relieved, Clint responded, “Same here. I haven’t been gone long, but the next time I leave could be for a while. I know you’re busy, but if you can find the time, I’d like to spend as much of it as I can before that happens.”

“We’ll see. Things have been pretty slow since the Doctor left, but I still might be spending most of that time at work.”

“Well, if that’s the case, I’ll just bother you at the infirmary sometime.”

“I’m required to tell you that in the doctor’s absence, you won’t be admitted without any illness or life-threatening injury. But in your case, I’d be willing to lend you my scalpel to nick yourself with
Clint chuckled and gave her a kiss. “I think it’s been too long since anyone told you how scary you are.”

“It runs in the family,” Alexis said in warning. “Be careful with my brother.”

“I will. What are you going to do if Doc doesn’t come back?”

Alexis shrugged. “We’re working on that. He left us some medical books to read in our downtime. We can’t replace him, but Jason’s pretty good with herbs and I might be able to figure out some of Dr. Clark‘s magic. I just hope no one comes through here needing a major surgery.”

“Well, good luck! You’ll make an awesome doctor!”

Alexis sighed and turned to leave. “Yeah, but I didn’t want to learn this way. Thanks, though
As Alexis walked away, Clint called out, “Seriously! Who’s Jason?”

Alexis turned around and answered impatiently. “He’s the other nurse! How did you not pick that up?”

Clint waved to Alexis and turned back into the house only to find the door locked. He knocked patiently to which Seth’s voice called out in reply. “What’s the password!”

“I‘m best friends with a child!” Clint shouted back.

The door swung open in response and Seth let him back in. “It’s uncanny how you can keep guessing them no matter how often I change them.”

“Ha, ha,” Clint said dryly. “So, library?”

Seth shook his head. “No, there’s a Chaotic temple in town so I, at least, have the option of asking Ragos for tips.”

“You told me you never mastered the language,” Clint said, his eyebrows raised.

“I told you I couldn’t master it in the ungodly short time we got. Besides, I can always just get the priest to translate like Maximus did.”

“The guy in your temple’s an asshole. I think it’d be faster to hit the scrolls.”

Seth grimaced. “Yeah, you’re probably right. It‘s still worth a shot, though. It’s not like the priest’s going to hurt the Champion of Ragos… much.”

“Priests shouldn’t hurt anyone!” Sam exclaimed reproachfully. 

“You really ought to meet more Chaotics,” Clint said with a smirk. “They actually consider it a mark of shame to leave one of their temples without a bruise.”

“It’s better take a blow to harden your skin than the dishonor of not being considered worth hitting,” Seth said in mock sagacious tone.

“Your religion’s warrior code is fascinating,” Maya said. “But why is physical violence so stimulating to you?”

“They’re masochistic freaks,” Clint joked.

“Careful. You’re saying that in the home of a Chaotic,” Seth growled.

“You know a Chaotic loves you when they bother to be subtle with their threats.”

“Fuck you!” Seth snapped.

“I don’t recall asking your innermost desire today,” Clint retorted with a roguish smirk.

Seth moved to punch him in the shoulder, but stopped himself with a gasp.

After an awkward moment of hesitation, Clint decided to strike at the sudden tension with another joke. “It’s okay. I don’t need to feel your loving touch to know how much you care. Coming, Sam?”

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