Sunday, October 14, 2018


In Comalan, the term metamorphology refers to the study of any one of four styles of magic that are used to change one's appearance. These sorts of spells are frequently confused for one another, so many people throughout the have clamored for a guide that distinguishes these styles.

Illusion Magic- Seen throughout the world, illusions are the most common form of metamorphology. Illusions are used to create visual and auditory effects that are only observable to those who fall under their enchantment. Casters of illusion magic are known to employ three different techniques. The first is the creation of psychoactive chemicals that create illusions for all who inhale it. The second is the use of hypnotic techniques that can modify the perception of an individual subject. Finally, some illusionists can use simple light-refracting and sound-generating techniques to produce the desired effect on their immediate vicinity.

Glamour Magic- Common in Galeon, Resta, and parts of Midania,  glamour spells are used to alter a person's physical attributes. They are popular with people transgender people as well as those who are experimenting with their gender identity. The effects of glamour magic differ from illusion magic in that the change in form is physical. However, since these spells are generally offered either as a professional service or to spies looking to hide their true appearances, glamour spells are designed to be temporary.

Transformation- Transformation magic allows a caster to take the form of another creature entirely. This practice is practiced primarily by druids from Tanis, Resta, and Sister. This allows the druid to take the form of animal they have taken the time to bond with, assuming both their appearance and natural instincts. Some spellwarriors also possess the ability to transform into one of three ancient creatures. The thick-skinned Frostback pachyderm, the mystical Hempact phoenix, and the magically-infused Silverfist gorilla have long been extinct, so there is little question that to see one of these creatures  means you are looking at a rare breed of spellwarrior.

Shapeshifting- The practice of shapeshifting is a rare ability that allows one to alter the shape of their body at will. It's the least understood branch of metamorphology because shapeshifting can't be learned or taught. It occurs naturally in an incredibly small number of elves and has been seen in only one human throughout history. Lack of understanding has led to some fear among most people, but military forces who uncover a shapeshifter will inevitably attempt to conscript them in order to make use of their abilities.

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