Monday, April 2, 2018

The Doctrines of Comalan

The Values of the People

Among the most important things guiding the various cultures of Comalan is how each relates to the Gods. For most, emulating the values of the four elder gods colors the temperament of almost everyone. A lot about each character's personality can be gleaned from their religious identity.

Basic Religious Identities

Non-Religious People: While the existence of deities is considered an established fact to nearly everyone on Comalan, some people choose not to follow the precepts of any religion regardless. This decision is often regarded with indifference among the majority as most simply assume they have yet to find the right religion. In stricter, more dogmatic regions such as Heron and Southern Resta, however, non-religious people are often treated with ridicule and hostility.

Doctrine of Power- The Doctrine of Power, also referred to as the Doctrine of Strength, represents a complete devotion to the ideals of Chaos. It is believed that the king of the Gods values strength above all else, which is why he is said to have created all of the dangerous beasts and cultivated the existence of evil. It is through triumphing over adversity that those who follow the Doctrine of Power believe the path to glory in his eyes can be found. Practitioners of the Doctrine of Power prize courage, strength, and self-reliance, although many are criticized by outsiders for their austere personalities. This religion is practiced primarily in Heron, and in various parts of Resta.

Doctrine of Knowledge- This faith emphasizes worship of Crane and the desire to emulate his curious nature. Followers of the Knowledge Doctrine desire to understand the world around them and search for the gods’ intentions in everything they observe. This religion emphasizes scholarship, critical-thinking, and exploration and is observed primarily in Galeon and Resta. However, this religion has the weakness of lending itself often to arrogance, as pride in the scope of their chosen god’s contributions to the world tests the limits of other people’s patience.

Doctrine of Tranquility- This faith dates back to Tanis, but has since spread through modern-day Resta. These followers of Serenity teaches people to appreciate the inherent value of peace and the potential that comes with it. Serene devotees often take it upon themselves to show others what they could be in a world without conflict; often turning tacticians into philosophers and warriors into athletes. Their virtues are calmness, pacifism, forgiveness, and protection, but their ideology leaves many people vulnerable to sloth. 

Doctrine of Storms- This faith is practiced mostly in Resta, but its basic precepts are observed in various forms throughout Midania as well. Interpretations of this religion are constantly in flux, but everyone seems to agree that the primary responsibility of good people is to manage their feelings and maintain a solid awareness of the consequences of their emotional choices. Followers of this doctrine value empathy, self-love, and friendship.

Hybrid Doctrines

Doctrine of Shadows- A hybrid of the Power and Tranquility doctrines that is practiced in the southernmost parts of Resta, most famously the city of Palon. Practitioners of the shadow doctrine view the most necessary qualities of Chaotic and Serene individuals are necessary components of the the other. To fulfill Serenity’s desire to protect the weak requires the strength found in Chaotics while their motivation to grow stronger is found in the comfort of their symbiosis with Serenity. Practitioners of the Shadow Doctrine typically maintain traditional identities, in that they worship one deity over the other. In addition, they regard any follower of the opposite faith  with the same kinship typically reserved for those who share their own.

Doctrine of Rage- A hybrid of the Power and Storm doctrines practiced most commonly among many templars of the Blackstone Monastery. Followers of the Rage Doctrine are often the most zealous believers in both Chaotic and Salican ideals. This quality lends itself to a devotion to the gods that is so strong that they consider their body instruments of the gods themselves. This lends itself to a preference for healthy living, intense training, and rigorous self-discipline. It is said that the name is derived from the frustration of many who are tempted to quit their training as templars. Those who internalize the strength of Chaotic virtues and the motivation that comes with embracing Salica, however, tend to make the most competent templars the Monastery can produce. Despite this zeal, those who follow the Rage Doctrine tend to be the most supportive of other faiths in general as their mindset encourages them to think of all of the Gods as the most perfect beings. This religion contrasts from the Doctrine of Power due to its tolerance for weakness and from the Doctrine of Storms for its strict emphasis on feelings for the gods--sometimes to the detriment of everything else.

Doctrine of Justice- A hybrid of the Knowledge and Storm doctrines, practiced as a minority faith in Galeon. Outsiders sometimes find the term “Justice” to be an odd one, considering the impression some receive of its followers. These people are sometimes seen as wild, lawless hedonists who eschew all authority, but this view ignores the philosophy behind the way of life of those who follow the Doctrine. It is a faith that values freedom and will above all, believing that the highest honors one can give to Crane and Salica are to follow one’s heart and mind without apology, and holding no mortal form of authority higher than this. Followers of the Doctrine state that the highest good, Justice, follows when every mortal is granted the right and means to live in this manner as well, with the only limit occuring when this imperative threatens the ability of another to pursue the will of their heart and mind. 
Doctrine of Dreams- A hybrid of the Knowledge and Tranquility doctrines that is notably practiced by people of the Theian faith tradition, founded by Aoide Theia, a Galean priestess and philosopher. Practice of this tradition is centered on Iris Isle, the site of the Theia Seminary, though it also prospers as a minority faith in Galeon, and to a lesser extent, Resta. This interpretation of the Doctrine of Dreams emphasizes peace and equality through rationality and mutual understanding. While devotion to the gods is a strong aspect of any Doctrine, the Doctrine of Dreams places a stronger importance on religious practice and fulfillment of certain ideals. Theians believe in honoring the gods through the creation of a just and compassionate society - one where each person, regardless of who they are, can pursue their dreams. The Doctrine of Dreams contrasts with the Doctrine of Knowledge in its emphasis on the societal and moral, while it contrasts with the Doctrine of Tranquility in its emphasis on the active pursuit of peace for all.

Doctrine of Ambition- A hybrid of the Knowledge and Power doctrines that is considered to be the farthest-reaching of all of the hybrid faiths since it represents the two longest-known deities. This combination of Intalan and Chaotic ideals is typically considered anathema to most who accept either set of ideals due to the historic conflict between the brothers. Despite this, followers of the Ambition Doctrine can be found in all parts of Mortanis save the western woodlands-- where the elves are famously hostile to Chaotic ideals. This religion emphasizes the value of the gods who created Comalan and encourages speculation on the purpose of their genesis. The prevailing theory among this faith is that mortals were created to help solve the extinction of the Fadalians’ own race. Thus it is the assertion of the Ambition Doctrine that mortals are destined to someday stand among the Gods as peers and possibly surpass them.

Doctrine of Beauty- A hybrid of the Tranquility and Storm doctrines that’s observed near the Restan riverlands, often in isolated villages along the Clearwater River. Those who follow this religion choose to celebrate the sisterhood between Serenity and Salica. The Doctrine of Beauty teaches those to admire and preserve the beauty that they feel the divine sisters have brought to Comalan. This includes not only the virtues of both of their doctrines, but the splendor of nature and the diversity of animal life-- which were previously designed by Chaos and Crane only to sustain and temper the bodies of mortals. The first rules of the Doctrine of Beauty are to acknowledge that the Brothers created a world for people to live in, and to profess that the Sisters made the world worth living in.

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