Monday, March 19, 2018

Adventures in Comalan: The Zoo of Bion

Western Galeon, in contrast to the east, is known primarily for the vast stretches of unsullied land that lie between its few large settlements. The Galean people hold nature in high regard, but respectful travelers are encouraged to spend time appreciating the land's natural beauty, and can often find the locals to be very helpful when one seeks advice on places one should explore, and those one should avoid. Western Galeans often advise foreigners to use caution when traveling the expanse of chaparral between Abuk and Gienah. Queries about this are generally met with a smile and a response akin to, "The monorail route that curves through the desert is far more pleasant", as if everyone had agreed to just not speak of it. For a nation that so values knowledge and transparency, the culture of silence surrounding this place can be quite the mystery, at least until one understands the full story of what lies there. 

The Zoo of Bion, as the stretch is sometimes called if one is willing to pry, is a place that Galeans from the region are taught of at a very particular age; when they are old enough to understand the intended moral of the story, but young enough to absorb the lesson in a way that will shape their future development. When one asks why this story is not shared with those not of the region, the answer one will often receive is, "To avoid planting a seed of temptation". Seemingly, the reason that this particular site continues to be shrouded in secrecy is that knowledge of whatever lies there could, contrary to much of what Galeans believe with regards to the spread of knowledge and transparency, cause a particular atrocity to occur again, rather than be avoided. 

Of course, despite this secrecy, there are always those willing to explore areas they are cautioned against venturing into. A university student from Fides points to a well-poked at map of the country pinned to his wall, which shows the increased prevalence of a particular kind of report in the settlements surrounding the Zoo of Bion. A sighting of odd creatures that have the head of a lion and the body of a massive serpent,, which travel in packs. An attack by a monster that looked like a massive scorpion, but with as many legs as a centipede. A mysterious woman who wanders through the edge of a settlement, and when someone approaches, she turns and shows that she bears the face of a hairless mole. The reports go back as far as there have been reports, he says. He recalls a friend of his who sent him a correspondence while exploring the area. 

I reached the midpoint between Abuk and Gienah today, and set up camp. There's a dim glow in the distance, but it's too close to be from Gienah. Going to check it out tomorrow.

He claims this is the final letter he ever received from his friend, and that the boy never returned from his venture into the Zoo. He also claims that reports he made to the relevant forces in Galeon and to the council fell on deaf ears. This could not be confirmed, however, as they claim they never received such a report in the first place. 

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