Tuesday, March 27, 2018

James Hawke

Art by Volt
When, as the Avatar of Crane, Richard Broger brought the hidden knowledge of the Windlords back to Galeon, one of the first to line up for this gift was a little-known immigrant who dreamed of seeing the day the Windlords would become an important force in Galeon once again. When James Hawke stood before the Avatar and his apprentice to receive the memories of his ancestor, he learned that he had inherited the knowledge and skills of Abir Dragonscale, the Windlords' last grand master. With both the legacy of the most skilled warrior to enter the halls of Aeros Academy and a lifetime spent promoting the Windlords' cause behind him, James assumed his ancestor's mantle naturally. He was captured in action by Broger shortly afterward when the Avatar betrayed his world in favor of a sinister deity by the name of Erdas. In his short time among true windlords, however, he accomplished what many never thought possible when he killed a kilgor by the name of Aldin with a specially-prepared poison. In effect, he had become the first man on Comalan who has ever killed a god.

As the Windlords' grand master, James has mastered all of the group's secret techniques, but since so few other windlords choose to learn such skills, he is regarded in particular as a specialist in their combat techniques. He is skilled with the use of wind in complement with his hand-to-hand and knife-throwing skills. In close quarters combat, he might throw his opponents off balance with a forceful push of wind, while he maintains the option of creating blasts of wind that cut with the precision of a blade against more distant foes. Completing his range of attack, he can control the air within his line of sight with enough precision to throw his knives accurately for up to 2 miles. Apart from his combat prowess, he is also known to be the most accomplished at the Windlords' catching whisper technique. With sufficient focus, he can listen to any conversation within the same city.

 In terms of personality, James exudes boundless confidence, but secretly struggles to be the most skilled in everything he tries. Since being dragged to the sea planet Mennon, he has supported his companions through broad surveillance. This solitary responsibility has taken his toll on him, as the various conflicts between his friends and the planet's native sho'kai have filled his daily life with stress. Many windlords have had to contend with the fact that their needs in a modern Galeon are vastly different from what was best for their order in the days of Eris. James shares these views, and wonders if he is the best choice to lead his comrades. He spends much of his downtime thinking fondly of his longtime closest friend, and how the Windlords have flourished under her guidance.

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