Friday, March 9, 2018

The Triangle Festival

Galeon's Triangle Festival is a holiday that none outside of certain niche communities ever believed would turn into a national celebration embraced by the general public. The name encompasses the entire purpose of the day, which is, of course, to celebrate a particular geometric shape. Customs on this holiday include eating triangle shaped foods, wearing triangle based costumes, and, of course, ruminating on the incredible mathematical properties of the triangle. It is common, in major cities, for the day of the festival conclude with the demonstration of a newly created magical sigil; an obvious nod to the importance of geometry and mathematics to the craft of calculating sigils. In Rashara in particular, the festival has taken on a particularly artistic bent, with enthusiastic participants all working hard to create the most spectacular triangle based piece of artwork, or perhaps to put together a stunning triangle-inspired clothing ensemble.

The festival originated in Savasorda, Galeon, a town with a large population of mathematicians and astrophysicists. Naturally, this whimsical tradition then spread to Gienah, FAE, and certain enclaves in Rashara; all places where trigonometry enthusiasts can be found. In the past few decades, however, the popularity of the holiday has increased dramatically. The sudden surge in celebration of and subsequent interest in triangles has generally been credited to a mathematics student at FAE, a Terran immigrant, who celebrated the holiday by baking triangle-shaped pastries with a particular poppy seed filling and dressing up in a large, triangle shaped disguise. Other students at the academy were intrigued and delighted, and the festival began to spread from FAE outward. As a result, not only has the festival grown, but it has come to signify the positive relationship between Comalanian Galeans and Galeon's Terran immigrant community. 

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